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Fun 4 Kids Festival

11 August 2017

Cheese World’s involvement at this year's Fun 4 Kids Festival from Wednesday 5th July to Sunday 9th July provided an excellent opportunity for the promotion of Sungold milk, and to tell everyone about Cheese World.

Cheese World’s Marketing Coordinator Kim Kavanagh said “I am confident we will see an increase in ongoing local visitation as we met many from within the region who admitted to never having been to Cheese World. Over the 5 days of the Festival we spoke to people from all areas of Victoria and SA and the feedback from the staff members back at Cheese World was excellent with many customers saying they had decided to visit the complex during their stay as a result of the information they received at Fun 4 Kids”.

Over the course of the Festival we whipped up almost 1,000 milkshakes for the children, their parents and grandparents. This proved an excellent way to showcase our local Sungold milk brand and our famous Cheese World milkshakes. Many positive comments were received including how it was wonderful to see the dairy industry and healthy eating being promoted to the children.

Kim Kavanagh